Did you know that Canadians have more trees to enjoy per person than Russians, or that Brazilians have half as many trees per person than Australians? I hope you enjoy my interactive global map below which shows the number of trees per person per country, right around the world. But first, here are a few headlines.

Canada 8,953 trees per person

Russia 4,461 trees per person

Australia 3,266 trees per person

Brazil 1,494 trees per person

United States 716 trees per person

France 182 trees per person

United Kingdom 47 trees per person

Crowther, T.W. et al. (2015). Mapping tree density at a global scale. Nature, volume, 25, pp.201–205 (10 September 2015). https://doi.org/10.1038/nature14967

I’ve long been interested in a research paper published a few years ago in Nature, which estimated the total number of trees in the world to be 3,040,000,000,000 (3.04 trillion). What intrigued me more was how the researchers had then mapped the distribution of trees by country across the world, and then calculated the number of trees per capita. I provide a link to the paper below. Meanwhile, I thought it would be fun to create an interactive Google map using their data. So here it is – move your mouse over the map to reveal information:

Some small countries with outlying data have been excluded from the map to improve clarity.

How many trees and woodlands per person in Britain

Since publishing this post I’ve calculated trees and woodlands per person within Britain. Read more


Read More

Crowther, T.W. et al. (2015). Mapping tree density at a global scale. Naturevolume525, pp.201–205 (10 September 2015). https://doi.org/10.1038/nature14967


  1. I know that I am LTTP, but that’s not really a fair comparison though. Try growing trees in Siberia, Russia or Alaska, USA or the Australian Outback or the Middle East. Not impossible, but grass is easier to grow and better for the environment. It would be fairer if you included other types of vegetation, like succulents or cacti, which grow in cold and/or dry climates.

  2. According to this Spain has 245 trees per person. But what would the figure be if olive and almond trees were not included?

    1. Author

      Good question Graham! I think you’re right that cropped trees (exc plantations) were excluded from these figures by the original authors.

      1. What are the criteria for determining how many trees there are? Are we counting only mature trees or intermediate trees too or is it only harvestable trees?

        1. Author

          The count is for all trees based on determinable canopies, regardless of type, purpose, natural vs plantation, and so on. Please refer to quoted paper for full methodology.

  3. WTF, When I scroll over India it shows “Tongad”. Please correct this, otherwise 1.3 billion Indians will be offended (and then drink an additional cup of tea to calm overselves down. Just Kidding.)

    1. Author

      That’s wierd Raju – thanks for letting me know. I’ll take a look . . .

  4. What about tree quality? Comparing BC Canada wilderness (5 trees per sq. feet) with UK trees with history (such as King James II Mulberry)?

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