I had been wondering how best to celebrate the forthcoming publication of my biographical fiction novel about the plant hunter John Jeffrey. Imagine my surprise when the Victorian explorer himself took to Twitter this week! 

John Jeffrey's Twitter journals
John Jeffrey, 1826 – 1854?

It looks like Mr Jeffrey will be posting an extract each day, sourced from real-life letters, extracts of minutes from the Oregon Botanical Association, and other historical documents. You can follow John Jeffrey on Twitter. If you’re not on Twitter, you can come back here and enjoy his feed at the bottom of this page, which will update automatically.

Fortunately for me, he’s keeping the contents of his long-lost journals away from the internet, as these will feature for the first time in my book Green Gold: the Lost Journals of John Jeffrey, to be published in Spring 2019 with Unbound Publishing. The book is now available to Pre-Order.


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