I’ll be talking about my latest book-in-progress GREEN GOLD at Oxford Blackwells on Friday 13th October (19:00-20:00).
The event is a ‘pledge party’ organised by the publishers Unbound, and I’ll be keeping good company with five other authors offering short talks on an eclectic selection of topics. It promises to be an interesting evening.
Kalypso Nicolaidis – Exodus, Reckoning, Sacrifice: Three Meanings of Brexit
Gabriel Hemery – Green Gold
Abda Khan – Razia
Daniel Ross – Bobby Denise is Reigning Rampant
Robert Woodshaw – The Iron Bird
Kate Bulpitt – Purple People

Tickets cost £5 which includes a £5 discount voucher for you to use on the night.
Find out more and buy tickets via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-unbound-pledge-party-tickets-37422764496